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Home » WiN » Dotec-Audio Plugins Bundle v2017.08 Incl Keygen
Dotec-Audio Plugins Bundle v2017.08 Incl Keygen

DATE : 2017.08.13 | NUMBER : R2R-6267 | SiZE : 22.62 MB

* DeeComp v2.1.3
* DeeEQ v1.0.3
* DeeFat v2.0.0
* DeeFX v1.1.1
* DeeGain v1.1.0
* DeeGate v1.1.1
* DeeMax v2.2.1
* DeePanpot v2.1.1
* DeeSpeaker v1.0.5
* DeeTrim v2.1.1

Our homecalling blocking is now based on DLL emulation.
Read included text carefully or die.

Even though our keygen is true one, we included the patched binaries to avoid
annoying system scans that detects hosts patch. We also included their
freeware too because they do scan and calling like paid one.

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Russian users - use VPN to download! Our links do not work for Russia and possibly some other countries!

Category: WiN | Views: 802 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: plugins, bundle, Keygen, Incl, v2017.08, Dotec-Audio | Rating: 0.0/0
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