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Home » Mac OSX » Dotec-Audio DeeMaximizer v1.4.0 Regged macOS
Dotec-Audio DeeMaximizer v1.4.0 Regged macOS

Mac OS | VST3 AU AAX | Regged | Size: 68.15 MB

Dotec Audio DeeMaximizer is the flagship maximizer for natural and powerful loudness!
The 32-band, multi-frequency maximizer produces overwhelming loudness.
In addition, the zero-latency operation allows you to use it when editing music. You can use it while checking the loudness at the time of production.

Basic operations are completed with the big dial in the center.
There are also parameters that allow for more detailed sound creation, and M/S switching is also possible.
It also features SOFTCLIP, which gives the output a character that is smooth to the ear.

And DeeMaximizer is a great combination with the Max series.
The DeeMaximizer is a top product of the Max series, so it is very powerful on its own, but it can be used more effectively when combined with the Max series' character.
For example, the CPU-friendly DeeMax is the best choice to increase the loudness of each track, DeePopMax has a character suitable for pop music and broadcasting, and DeeMMax has a tight sound with great energy.
So here are some examples of combinations of each and DeeMaximizer

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 70 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Regged, v1.4.0, Dotec-Audio, MacOS, DeeMaximizer | Rating: 0.0/0
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