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Home » Sound Libraries » Dome Of Doom Daedelus What Wands Sample Pack WAV
Dome Of Doom Daedelus What Wands Sample Pack WAV

WAV | 80 MB

What Wands was composed for the express purpose of being just too much. Polite beginnings taken to the brink. Harsh sound designed instances. Distorted sequences and off risers. Perfect to be the total sound source or gently tucked beneath your more delicate creations to add character and create subtle tensions. Don't just let them sit still. Think of these as a jumping off point to be used irresponsibly. Layer them. Stretch them out as melodies. Granulate vigorously. Distend and destroy, and I promise they'll create for you.


• 48 Bass Rawrs
• 3 Suspences
• 9 Cracks
• 6 Hats
• 16 Kicks
• 7 Risers
• 12 Sequences

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 375 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Dome, Sample, of, Doom, Daedelus, pack, wav, Wands, What | Rating: 0.0/0
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