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Home » WiN » DIRECT APPROACH plug-ins Bundle 2019.6 CE
DIRECT APPROACH plug-ins Bundle 2019.6 CE

Team V.R | 8 MB

LimitX™ - Unique limiting, intelligently prevents "overs", while being totally transparent! Plus, read/write of dynamics automation!

The plugin that started it all! It was during the development of LimitX™ that we discovered the basis for NLSRT™ which provides the adjustment to peak signals proportional to their level, resulting in transparent limiting with retention of high frequency content. While many limiters will give a waveform that looks like a lawn mower clipped off the top of each waveform, LimitX™ adjusts each peak both before and after in proportion to its level so that the peak is controlled in a very musical and natural way. Plus, now you are able to record and edit the dynamics automation!


BoostX v3.4.8 - Compressor
CompPlus v2.2.8 - Compressor
DASR v1.4.8 - De-Esser
Dip v1.2.8 - Free Dipper
HiLoPass v1.2.8 - Free EQ
LimitX v5.5.8 - Limiter
PanPlus v1.3.8 - Free Haas Panning
Snap! v3.4.8 - Expander
SpecTrend v1.4.8 - Spectral Trend Analyzer

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Category: WiN | Views: 550 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: 2019.6, Ce, Approach, bundle, Direct, plug-ins | Rating: 0.0/0
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