Diamond Cut Forensics10 Audio Laboratory v10.03
Team CRD | April 08 2017 | 54.2 MB
Diamond Cut Productions, Inc. is pleased to announce their latest offering in this field called DCForensics10 Audio Laboratory which combines both the Science and Art of Forensics Audio.
Surveillance Audio Recording
Forensics Audio Authentication, Voice-Printing & Formant Analysis
File Transcription / Time Expansion / Speed and/or Pitch Change
Audio Restoration & Enhancement
Audio Editing & Voice Garbling / Voice Disguising
Audio & Acoustical Measurements
Audio File Format Conversions
Statistical Measurement Tools
And much more . . .
New in version 10.03 (released April 7, 2017)
New Feature: Vocal Wind Noise reduction
Improved tracking of all editing functions in classic editing mode between source and destination files
Added offset capability to the overtone and sub-harmonic synthesizer filters for a more natural sound.
Added power spectrum display to the Spectrum Analyzer.
Added “Delete All Filters” right menu option to the Multifilter
New presets
Bug fixes.
Gain Normalize would have incorrect final gain levels
CNF crash when running in “keep residue” mode at high FFT sizes
Fixed overall gain of RIAA filter at 96kHz sample rate.
Fixed crash opening some video file types
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