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Home » Mac OSX » Devious Machines Infiltrator v2.2.10 Mac
Devious Machines Infiltrator v2.2.10 Mac

AU | VST | VST3 | 40.1 MB
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Infiltrator is a monster multi-effect which can stack, sequence and modulate up to ten different effects at once. Whether it's liquid analogue filtering or reality-bending sonic transformation, Infiltrator puts it all at your fingertips. Devious Machines is a cutting edge developer of high-quality audio software for professionals. Jim and Dom run the company and do a lot of the design and programming, Scott provides support, sounds and testing. Devious Machines are boutique, British developers of innovative software for the modern musician.


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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 321 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Devious, Infiltrator, Machines, v2.2.10, Mac | Rating: 0.0/0
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