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Home » Sound Libraries » Deviant Audio OG Jungle Vol.1 Sample Pack WAV MiDi RX2
Deviant Audio OG Jungle Vol.1 Sample Pack WAV MiDi RX2

WAV MiDi RX2 | 1.55 GB
Links update: 30/06/2024

OG Jungle, is a sample pack compiled by old school Jungle producer Fringe. It is reminiscent of the sounds found on the original sample CD’s of the 90’s (think X-Static Goldmine, Datafile, Jungle Warfare). The intent is to provide authentically classic sounding samples, which allow producers new and old, access to the OG sound. These samples are not easily obtainable, or to be found on other commercially released packs.

All samples were created and recorded from hardware, or sampled and refined from original Jungle vinyl, CD’s, etc. Sounds were sourced from original synths from back in the day and processed through accompanying hardware effects and compressors, to capture that raw and authentic sound.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 622 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: jungle, Deviant, wav, RX2, pack, Audio, Vol.1, Sample, OG, midi | Rating: 0.0/0
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