Develop Device (DRUMSCRAFT) Essential pack for Area 33 SDX

SD3P | 55.78 KB
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Album-ready Superior Drummer 3 presets for rock/metal productions. Mixed 100% inside Superior Drummer 3. No additional plugins are required. Works in any DAW or standalone Superior Drummer 3 app. You will receive an SD3P (project) files. No complicated installation. It also works great with your e-drums. One click - great sound!
The pack contains the following presets:
Area 33 Classic Kit
Area 33 Impact Kit
Area 33 Insignia Kit
Area 33 Liquid Kit
Area 33 Metallic Kit
Area 33 Red Kit
Area 33 Steel Kit
Any DAW or standalone SD3
VST instruments:
Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 (Area 33 SDX)
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