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Home » Mac OSX » Deskew Technologies Gig Performer 4 v4.8.2 macOS
Deskew Technologies Gig Performer 4 v4.8.2 macOS

U2B | Standalone | 919.5 MB
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Guitarists, keyboard players, vocalists, drummers, wind players — build and control your live music rig with Gig Performer® to transform and elevate your live performing experience by gaining complete control over the sound of your instrument or voice. Our innovative approach and focus on usability is paired with an intuitive rack design, called a Rackspace™, which transforms your plugins into the most powerful, yet user-friendly live music software system. And our impressive list of cutting edge features allow you to control multiple instruments, layer sounds and employ authentic effects… easily, and with little power usage.

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 115 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Gig, Technologies, Performer, v4.8.2, Deskew, MacOS | Rating: 0.0/0
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