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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Denise Audio My Crush v1.0.0 Regged WiN MacOSX
Denise Audio My Crush v1.0.0 Regged WiN MacOSX

WiN: 5.87 MB | MacOSX: 8.12 MB

Refined crush controls
The same insane bit crushing algorithm from the Bite Harder drives the My Crush plugin. The individual bit (reduce) and re-sample dials help you to gradually destroy your sound. The stutter fader adds a layer of creativity on top.

presets from Florian Meindl
We asked one of our favorite electronic music producers in Berlin to create crazy presets for the Bite Harder & My Crush. They are included for free and in addition to the presets that we created.

Brutal algorithm
Brutal crushing algorithm.

Easy to use lpf & hpf filters on the main panel.

Create extra arrangements and textures with the stutter control.

Continuous reduce re-sample control
Individually set the bit & sample rate.

Graph curves
Six different preset curves change the tone and vibrancy of the bit-crusher control.

Custom presets from Florian Meindl are included on top of presets from denise.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 473 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: My, v1.0.0, Denise, Audio, win, MacOSX, Crush, Regged | Rating: 0.0/0
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