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Home » Sound Libraries » Deep Data Loops 80s Disco WAV MiDi
Deep Data Loops 80s Disco WAV MiDi

WAV MiDi | 323.16 MB

Deep Data Loops built 10 construction kits of songs that you could have heard when being in a club in the 1980s. Typical instrumentation of that era is used to create WAV loops of rhythm and harmonies. All of these are provided as MIDI files as well so you have multiple possibilities to alter these royalty free kits.

You can exchange the sounds to be coming from your favourite (Digital or analog) synth by using the given MIDI files in this pack. This product is carefully handcrafted for your best producing experience and best possible entertainment. Put together some of these loops or get inspired by single ones and add your own flavor to complete your productions.

Product Details:

• 10 Construction Kits (WAV + MIDI):
• 50 WAV Loops
• 40 MIDI Files

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 219 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: disco, midi, wav, Deep, 80s, Loops, Data | Rating: 0.0/0
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