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Home » Tutorial » Darrell Cook Gospel Piano Essentials TUTORiAL
Darrell Cook Gospel Piano Essentials TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL | 2.53 GB
Links update: 26/04/2022

Gospel Piano Essentials is designed for the gospel musician who desires to move from a beginner level to an intermediate level. If you follow all of the concepts in this course your playing will have a more advanced sound.

This course covers:

•Essential chord concepts in gospel piano.
•Essential chord progressions.
•Key concepts that can improve your sound.
•More than 20 song breakdowns.
•Talk music concepts.
•Shout Music concepts.
Preacher chord concepts.
•Gospel grooves
•And much more!

This course features over 12 hours of pure content. Every video can be downloaded for offline viewing. This is THE course for any musician needing to their playing to the next level.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 607 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: cook, gospel, Darrell, tutorial, Essentials, Piano | Rating: 0.0/0
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