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Home » Sound Libraries » Dark Silence Sound Design Ambient Soundscapes Vol.2 WAV
Dark Silence Sound Design Ambient Soundscapes Vol.2 WAV

FANTASTiC | 04 April 2019 | 52.2 MB

Ambient Soundscapes Vol 2 is a collection of a sculpted sounds from our sound design team. Combining multiple digital signals to achieve each sound! The sample pack features 25 Soundscapes that will give you chills down your spine! This volume of sounds are heavily inspired by a variety of movie soundscapes and background noises. These collections will be very diverse in sound! Spread across multiple genres and styles! A perfect addition to your newest track or film score!

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 578 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Dark, ambient, Sound, wav, Silence, vol.2, Design, Soundscapes | Rating: 0.0/0
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