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Home » Tutorial » Dance Music Production Sessions 05 Virus TI TUTORiAL DVDR-DYNAMiCS
Dance Music Production Sessions 05 Virus TI TUTORiAL DVDR-DYNAMiCS
Team DYNAMiCS | Mar 2014 | 1.40 GB
Links update: 22/01/2019
The Access Virus has become one of the most influential synthesizers in the production of dance music and its sonic signature can be heard in all styles of dance music. Due to a large number of requests, for this sessions tutorial we examine the world famous Access Virus Ti synthesizer. Used by a huge variety of artists from Oakenfold to Sasha, to Dr Dre and Radiohead its has grown to be one the most popular synthesizers on the market. But despite its popularity and reputation it still remains a mystery to many artists due to the vast array of functions on offer.
In Sessions 05: The Virus Ti, we spend close to 5 hours of video walking through and dissecting the interface tab by tab covering all the parameters on offer including the browser, the three oscillators and the different synthesis engines they offer, the twin filters, the LFO's, the modulation matrix, the Arp, the effects, the Atomizer and Vocoder. We even cover the often bewildering remote utility and 'MIDI string programming' showing how to control other synths, virtual Instruments and Plug-ins using the Virus hardware parameters.
(NB: this tutorial concentrates on using the Ti integrated into the sequencer via its plug-in interface, it does not cover using the Virus as a standalone unit)
Tutorial Contents:
Session 01: Easy and Browser - 16 minutes
Session 02: Classic Oscillators - 33 minutes
Session 03: Hypersaws - 16 minutes
Session 04: Wavetable - 20 minutes
Session 05: Granular and Formant - 21 minutes
Session 06: Oscillator Final - 20 minutes
Session 07: Filters - 40 minutes
Session 08: LFO & Matrix - 25 minutes
Session 09: Arpeggiator - 12 minutes
Session 10: FX Section - 42 minutes
Session 11: Common & Patch - 27 minutes
Total Runtime 272 Minutes (4.5 Hours)



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Category: Tutorial | Views: 1487 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Access Virus Ti, Dance Music Production | Rating: 0.0/0
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