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DADA Life Sausage Fattener v1.0 WiN

TEAM XAir | WIN | 9.06 MB
Links update: 04/07/2021

Hey! Hi! Hello guys! How u doing? We have a something new. We make a new version DADA life Sausage Fattener (Full Mod v2.0) by COLOVE Products.

What’s new in v2.0?
1. We Integrated the skin system, you no need to replace the skin’s files a longer of never. One Skin a one resource.
2. Added a five new skins: RED, BLUE, GREY, ORANGE, GREEN. Important, saved the originally (analog - yellow) shell.
3. Core optimization: 32 bit is only for Win32, 64 for only Win64. All cores to one base.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1578 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: win, Dada, Fattener, life, Sausage, v1.0 | Rating: 1.0/1
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