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Home » WiN » Cytomic The Glue v1.7.0 Incl Patched and Keygen
Cytomic The Glue v1.7.0 Incl Patched and Keygen

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The Glue is an analog modelled compressor plug-in based on The classic 80's British big console buss compressor with some handy additional features. The compressor action is smooth and transparent as it uses the same high quality algorithms used in circuit simulators, but optimised to run fast. In addition to the regular compressor controls it has: Mix / Range / Sidechain High Pass knobs, External Sidechain support, Peak Clip, and Advanced Oversampling.

Additions include an ultra-fast attack time of up to 0.01mS and a Range knob which backs off the compression to give incredibly natural sounding attacks and limits the maximum amount of compression applied. Also included are external sidechain support and an adjustable side-chain highpass filter.

Accurate analog model of an SSL 4000 buss compressor.
Ultra-fast attack time of up to 0.01 mS.
Range knob to naturally control the maximum compression applied.
Peak Clip to optionally hard shape transients.

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Category: WiN | Views: 179 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: v1.7.0, Keygen, and, Incl, Patched, the, Cytomic, Glue | Rating: 0.0/0
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