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Home » Sound Libraries » Cymatics Ultimate Fill Toolkit Vol.1 WAV
Cymatics Ultimate Fill Toolkit Vol.1 WAV

WAV | 19.73 MB

Many producers have a hard time keeping their tracks interesting.

The reason is that these producers tend to overlook the importance of fills.

catchy fills prevents tracks from sounding too repetitive.

The problem is that putting together a catchy fill is boring and less exciting than spending time on your sound design and writing.

With Ultimate Fill Toolkit Vol 1, we wanted to put together a large collection of drum fills and synth fills for you to instantly throw into your tracks.

These fills will help keep your track exciting and glue the separate sections together.

And more importantly, having them all in one place means that you can spend less of your production time on fills and more time focused on the fun parts of making music.

Download Ultimate Fill Toolkit Vol 1 now!

Included in this pack:

25 Drum Fills
25 Synth Fills


Format: .WAV
File Size (Zipped): 19.7 MB
File Count: 50 Samples

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 1002 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: fill, Vol.1, Toolkit, Ultimate, wav, Cymatics | Rating: 0.0/0
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