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Home » Sound Libraries » Cymatics Ultimate Basses Vol. 1 WAV
Cymatics Ultimate Basses Vol. 1 WAV

WAV | 25.1 MB

Nothing controls the attention of the listener quite like a bassline does. Basses can be the make or break for any track, and typically glue together the vibe of your mix and track as a whole.

This pack is our go to for everything you need base wise in a beat, full of heavy 808’s, synth basses, and more.

There is something in this pack for any style of producer, providing you with everything you need so you never have to struggle with your low end ever again!


· 47 Bass One Shots

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 294 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Ultimate, Vol., Cymatics, Basses, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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