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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Cymatics Nuclear Ableton Project Files ALS
Cymatics Nuclear Ableton Project Files ALS

Ableton Project Files | 1.42 GB
Links update: 05/07/2022

Now a standard in each Cymatics pack, they have provided a large array of projects for you to study and reverse engineer. With the projects available in Ableton, FL, and Logic, a large majority of producers will have access to these upon purchase. I know a lot of people learn through others, and this is a great way to learn from professionals. Each project is fully written and mixed, giving insight as to how to arrange a drop, write a musical section, and how to get a good, clean, and professional sound.

Cymatics - Radioactive - Ableton Project

Cymatics - Too Loud - Ableton Project

Cymatics - Chicken Dance - Ableton Project

Cymatics - Nuclear - Ableton Project

Cymatics - Stalker - Ableton Project

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 1130 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Ableton, files, project, Nuclear, Als, Cymatics | Rating: 0.0/0
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