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Cymatics Infinity USB Expansion WAV MiDi

WAV MiDi | 650 MB

Infinity is a vast collection of premium samples that were designed by experts from each area of our team.

We had our top drum designers, MIDI composers, professional guitarists, melody loop makers, and top vocalists all come together to work on each section of this project.

And what we ended up with was the most unique collection of samples we’ve ever put together.

This time around, we put a massive focus on our team of professional vocalists to really bring everything together.

Infinity includes everything you need for making a hit record, with premium drum samples, professionally recorded guitars, placement ready melodies, handcrafted MIDI, and the largest vocal collection in Cymatics history.

It's like having an endless library of inspiration right at your fingertips, ready to go for just about any type of track you’re working on.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 170 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, USB, Cymatics, Expansion, midi, Infinity | Rating: 0.0/0
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