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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Cymatics Element Arps for Serum Vol.2 FXP
Cymatics Element Arps for Serum Vol.2 FXP

FXP | 41.50 MB

As often as arpeggiators are overlooked, they can add a LOT to your music.

With the ability to add energy, depth, musicality, and more, there’s a reason why some of the top producers like Skrillex, Porter Robinson, and Madeon use Arps so often in their music.

In order to provide you with the most high quality Arp Presets possible, our sound design team spent hours studying the timbre, ADSR, and even FX of arps used in songs by the pros.

After opening up a single preset in Element Arps Volume 2, you’ll see some of the most complex manipulation of Serum ever before. With some presets using up to 8 LFO’s, there’s a LOT going on under the hood on these presets.

With each patch being fully macro’d as well, you’re able to customize each sound to your liking – giving you the possibility of over 100 new sounds!

So, if you’d like to increase your sound design knowledge, add unique and creative arps to your collection, and simply become a more well rounded producer, download Element Arps Volume 2 for Xfer Serum now.

Included in this pack:
30 Serum Arp Presets

Format: .FXP
File Size (Zipped): 42.4 MB
File Count: 30 Presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 769 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Arps, Cymatics, for, Serum, vol.2, Element, FXP | Rating: 0.0/0
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