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Home » Presets, patches, impulses » Cymatics Breeze for Sylenth1 FXP FXB
Cymatics Breeze for Sylenth1 FXP FXB

FXP FXB | 49,33 KB

Sylenth1 is a legendary synth that has been used by just about every artist in EDM today.

Artists like Flume, Marshmello, and Porter Robinson have all confessed their love for this synth.

With how great their music sounds and how unique their sounds are, we decided to dive into this synth ourselves , and create a pack that captures and showcases what Sylenth1 is capable of.

Taking full advantage of Sylenth1’s analogue sound, our sound design team studied the synth inside and out until they felt they were able to capture the true essence of the synth.

This led to the creation of Breeze for Sylenth1. We created a pack full of sounds that not only compliment your melodies, but can give you the inspiration to go a step further and create something truly special.

Don’t miss out on one of the only packs we’ve ever released for Sylenth1. Download Breeze now!

Included in this pack:

10 Lead Presets
10 Pluck Presets
5 Arp Presets
5 Pad Presets
Format: .FXP
File Size (Zipped): 74.2 MB
File Count: 30 Sylenth1 Presets

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Category: Presets, patches, impulses | Views: 879 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Sylenth1, for, breeze, FXB, FXP, Cymatics | Rating: 0.0/0
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