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Home » Sound Libraries » curatdSOUNDS Charli Drum Kit WAV
curatdSOUNDS Charli Drum Kit WAV

WAV | 240 MB

Charli Drum Kit is the most recent addition to our Artist Series drum kits collection.

Inside you’ll find 25 different 808s, 61 kicks, 34 snares, 55 hi-hats, 26 claps and dozens of other sounds, all used on Charli XCX's biggest songs, including some from her recent album BRAT.

These are not sampled or filtered sounds. Every one of our packs have the perfect match samples for each song, straight from the source.

So if you’re a producer who loves making pop music and don't want to think too much about if a sound is a good selection or not, this one's for you, as all these sounds have been used by a major pop artist!

All sounds are labeled by song title and section, for example: snare - vroom vroom - verse

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 79 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Charli, Kit, drum, curatdSOUNDS, wav | Rating: 0.0/0
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