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CreativeLIVE Mixing Master Class With Joey Sturgis TUTORiAL

TUTORiAL MP4 | 5.68 GB
Links update: 29/12/2023

Make A World-Class Mix.

Joey Sturgis is the producer behind some of the biggest names in metalcore, including , , and . His sound is one of the most sought after sounds of the last decade and in this class, he’ll show you the unique mixing techniques that are key to getting it.

This class picks up where Joey’s Studio Pass class left off: you’ve got your session tracked and edited, now how do you turn it into a polished, world-class mix?

He’ll show you how to get his signature sound, including:

EQ and compression strategies for drums, guitar, bass, vocals, and synths/effects
How to use automation to fix problem areas and bring out the song’s dynamics
Tons of little tips and tricks to take your mix from good to great

If you want to elevate the quality of your mix, don’t miss Mixing Master Class with Joey Sturgis.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 645 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Mixing, Master, tutorial, Class, Sturgis, with, creativeLIVE, Joey | Rating: 0.0/0
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