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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Composers Tools Eris V. 1.1 Update for Kontakt
Composers Tools Eris V. 1.1 Update for Kontakt

Kontakt | 78.94 MB
Links update: 21/03/2017

The very first Composers Tools instrument has been designed to be both extremely powerful and surprisingly simple in use. This unique and intuitive scoring tool is a must have for those who expect deep tones and huge evolving spaces in their productions.

Based on our innovative ACT ENGINE, ERIS automatically generates atmospheres and landscapes allowing to focus on composing. Its massive library, a full source of mainly dark & mysterious sounds opens the endless possibilities of versatile and beautifully rich ambiences.

"A sound painting impression makes ERIS instantly inspiring in searching for coherence and smoothness across the sonic palette."

V1.1 Demo:

You need Kontakt 5.6 FULL
Audio Format : 24Bit/48kHz uncompressed stereo WAV PCM

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 1203 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Kontakt, 1.1, V., for, tools, Eris, Composers, Update | Rating: 0.0/0
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