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Home » Sound Libraries » Circles Drum Samples Tape WAV
Circles Drum Samples Tape WAV

WAV | 130.59 MB
Links update: 24/09/2023

We are always looking for that great analog gooey-ness to smooth together our harsh digital sounding mixes.

For this library, we utilized the Ampex ATR and Otari MTR tape machines (no emulation) to smash these drums proper. The resulting pack is the most character filled library of samples and loops we have ever created.

If you want that real, reel to reel, sound of analog drums, look no further than Circles Tape.

149 Loops
44 One Shots

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 501 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: wav, Circles, Tape, drum, Samples | Rating: 0.0/0
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