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Home » Tutorial » Cengage - Using Software Samplers: Skill Pack (2013 Retail eBook)
Cengage - Using Software Samplers: Skill Pack (2013 Retail eBook)

Team BitBook | 16 Jan 2018 | 23.3MB

Take the mystery out of creating sampled instruments with this one-of-a-kind resource that is dedicated to guiding you through the recording and programming of your own playable sampled instruments. USING SOFTWARE SAMPLERS: SKILL PACK uses popular sample playback and digital audio editing programs to outline the complete sampled instrument creation workflow, beginning with the recording.

Coverage then progresses to editing and processing the sounds, mapping the samples on the keyboard, and creating finished programs to make these instruments useful and musical. With a clear, straightforward writing style and deliberate, logical organization, this valuable resource takes a process that can seem overwhelming and intimidating, and turns it into a series of easy-to-understand tasks that are well within reach of any musician.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 693 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: eBook), Cengage, retail, pack, software, (2013, skill, Using, Samplers: | Rating: 0.0/0
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