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CDSoundMaster N-TEN-AT4 v1.0 x86 Incl Keygen-R2R

TEAM R2R | 117.55 MB
Links update: 27/09/2021

"N-TEN-AT4 VST Vintage Console Channel Strip Plug-In Suite" is a collection of Six VST Audio Plug-Ins created for use with any Windows 32-Bit audio host.

Represented in this collection is the absolute, authentic vintage British mixing console; not just the eq, but the entire channel from input transformers to inductor eq to transistors to output transformer. You can gently drive the saturation level or keep it clean. Use any instance on as many channels as your DAW/cpu allows and automate an extremely accurate vintage console right inside your DAW.

"N-TEN-AT4 VST" is created at 96kHz with sound data all the way down to 0Hz and higher than 23000Hz! If you are working at 96kHz, the Plug-In will open the quickest, as it does not have to convert to a different rate.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1679 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v1.0, Keygen-R2R, Cdsoundmaster, N-TEN-AT4, Incl, x86 | Rating: 0.0/0
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