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Home » Sound Libraries » Catalyst Samples Ingredient: House Piano Loops WAV AiFF MIDI
Catalyst Samples Ingredient: House Piano Loops WAV AiFF MIDI

WAV AiFF MIDI | 468.49 MB

We present you 121 of the finest loops in deep & melodic house!

Inspired by the likes of: Disclosure, MK, Route 94, Duke Dumont, Miguel Campbell and many more.

This pack really did deserve the best... so we tracked down a very experience house producer who has had tracks signed to Ultra Records, Spinnin' Records & Toolroom Records who has had multiple beatport top 10 releases.

All key labelled and tempo labelled for your production ease!

With each Wav/Aiff corresponding to the MIDI Loop, we give you endless possibilities and maximum flexibility to create your own sounds, while building your own melodies is easier then ever!

Need some inspiration?

or looking for that killer hook to give your track that extra something?

Look no further.. we have you covered!

495.3MB • 363 x WAV 44.1 kHz, 24-bit. // Including AIFF + MIDI Files.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 940 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: House, Ingredient:, Samples, Aiff, midi, wav, Loops, Piano, Catalyst | Rating: 0.0/0
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