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Home » Sound Libraries » Capsun ProAudio Lotus - Blissful Harps And Plucks WAV
Capsun ProAudio Lotus - Blissful Harps And Plucks WAV

WAV | 310 MB

Lotus: Blissful Harps & Plucks dives into the dreamy sounds of harps and experimental plucked melodies. Gentle glissandos, timeless strums and peaceful chords meet lofi processing, eerie pitched loops and forward thinking sound design.

Created in collaboration with Arthouse Acoustics, we recorded a professional harpist with high quality mics and preamps, performing full compositions, melody stacks and classic harp strums and runs. We resampled the performances using pitch and time fx, grain sampling, classic hip-hop chopping, stereo effects and more. This loop and one shot collection could inspire trap and rap beats as easily as ambient electronica and cinematic soundscapes.

Discover a fresh take on classic instrumentation, zen chords and beautiful picked notation. All the sounds are 100% royalty-free and every loop has been meticulously key-tagged and tempo-synced.

In Detail:

24bit Wav Quality
Compatible with all DAWs and samplers
455 MB
100% royalty free

100 High Quality Live and Processed Harp Loops including:
24 Live harp loops
18 Processed and effected harp loops
25 Resampled harp loops
21 Lofi harp loops
12 Chopped harp loops

26 Harp One Shots including:
13 Chords & strums
13 Stabs & phrases

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 531 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: wav, and, Harps, Proaudio, Plucks, Lotus, Capsun, Blissful | Rating: 0.0/0
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