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Cakewalk VX-64 Vocal Strip v1.0.3-HY2ROGEN
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VX-64 Vocal Strip is a multi-functional plug-in that combines a series of effects specifically optimized and streamlined for vocal processing. Combining compression, expansion, equalization, deessing, doubling, delay and tube saturation in one convenient plug-in,VX-64 Vocal Strip is designed to make it fast an easy to enhance any vocal track.
VX-64 Vocal Strip features include:
● 5 professional quality effect modules, each with its own bypass toggle. 
● All modules are specifically tuned for vocal processing. 
● Advanced tube saturation modeling availalbe on input, output and EQ modules. 
● Deesser with switchable center frequency and threshold. 
● Configurable effect chain routing. 
● Smooth, zipperless automatable parameters. 
● Library of presets. 

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Category: WiN | Views: 3444 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Strip, Cakewalk, v1.0.3-HY2ROGEN, vocal, VX-64 | Rating: 0.0/0
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