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Home » WiN » Cakewalk Session Drummer 3 VSTi v1.0.0-peace-out
Cakewalk Session Drummer 3 VSTi v1.0.0-peace-out
Team peace-out | 703.79 MB
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Session Drummer 3 - Session Drummer has been a mainstay in SONAR for easy and fast creation of realistic sounding drum tracks. Now, Session Drummer 3 hits the stage with an all new look, sporting a sleek photorealistic 3D drum kit, along with routing improvements, plus 12 new kits and over 700 new patterns for additional high quality drums sounds and grooves.
* Photorealistic drum kit page to load kits, programs, patterns, and tweak mappings.
* Dedicated Mixer page for fine tuning kits (12 channels each) with control over volume, pan, width, and tuning controls.
* Mix and match kit components: all kit pieces are broken down into individual components for flexibility in creating your drum sounds. Ships with over 200 different drum sounds across 20+ kits.
* Drag-and-drop drum components: build kits by dragging any WAV or OGG file from the desktop onto a pad.
* Comprehensive collection of presets and MIDI-based loop files to provide a creative jump-start for your drum tracks.
* Flexible MIDI pattern playback.
* 12 pads/12 outputs.


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Category: WiN | Views: 5450 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: v1.0.0-peace-out, Session, Cakewalk, VSTi, Drummer | Rating: 0.0/0
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