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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Caelum Audio Smoov v1.0.9 Patched WiN MacOSX
Caelum Audio Smoov v1.0.9 Patched WiN MacOSX

WiN: 3.95 MB | MacOSX: 7.20 MB

Is a chaotic track starting to get to you? Maybe you should make it a little more "Smoov". Smoov is a soft, clean and transparent sounding program-dependent compressor. It takes inspiration from hardware compressors of the past with a focus on peak detection, meaning that it can quickly and effortlessly react to incoming signals and blend them in with the surrounding audio field. When a busy track needs taming, Smoov softly settles your tracks.

The compressor uses a program-dependent envelope influenced by old hardware making the compression sound smooth and dynamic. The peak detection means that Smoov detects the actual amplitude of a signal, resulting in an extremely fast response to tame and control anything that is thrown at it.

You've got a big, groovy track you think you're happy with, but you have to ask yourself... "Is it Smoov?"


- Smooth and transparent compression.
- Program dependent compression - attack and release settings are automatic.
- 4 ratio styles: expansion and gating, standard compression, infinite limiting compression and negative over-compression.
- Optional external side-chain input.
- Sidechain filtering.
- Inspired by old hardware.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 397 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Patched, Audio, Caelum, v1.0.9, MacOSX, win, Smoov | Rating: 0.0/0
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