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Home » Sound Libraries » Bullyfinger Satterlee's Raw One-Shot Cymbals WAV
Bullyfinger Satterlee's Raw One-Shot Cymbals WAV

WAV | 176.28 MB
Links update: 24/09/2022

After some talks with the producer community we realized there was a gap in sample products being offered on the market. So we recorded a super clean collection of live cymbal one-shots that will allow a producer to program sounds with a natural decay rather than those cut off by chopping breaks.

Played by Nashville's own Ben Satterlee featuring Dream branded Cymbals and including a collection of Hi-hats, Rides, Crashes and Splashes.

380mb unzipped, 169 files.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 325 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: wav, Satterlee's, Bullyfinger, one-shot, Cymbals, RaW | Rating: 0.0/0
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