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Home » WiN » Boz Digital Labs Mongoose 2 v2.0.1 Incl Keygen
Boz Digital Labs Mongoose 2 v2.0.1 Incl Keygen

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Mongoose is a mid-side processor that sums all frequencies below a selectable crossover to mono, creating a mix that sounds natural in all environments.

Panning is one of our most powerful tools as mixing engineers, but due to the fact that we have to create our mixes for multiple environments (headphones, speakers, etc) we are bound by how we can pan our instruments while still sounding natural on all of these playback systems. Have you ever noticed that panning an instrument to one side sounds fine on loudspeakers but hurts your brain on headphones? This is because in real life, no sound goes into just one ear unless it’s coming from your ear (like headphones).

Mongoose fixes this problem by summing low frequencies to mono so that no matter how far you pan your instruments, they will sound equally natural on both headphones and speakers.

Mongoose—Just the Facts:
• Sums low-frequencies to mono with adjustable crossover.
• Very low CPU impact.
• Focus and tighten low end while ensuring mix translation.
• Create contrast with high-frequency widening.
• Sculpt the width and depth of a mix.
• No phase issues when summing to mono.

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Category: WiN | Views: 204 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Incl, v2.0.1, Keygen, digital, Boz, Labs, Mongoose | Rating: 0.0/0
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