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Bluegrass Guitar Essentials: Webisodes 1 and 2 TUTORiAL

P2P | Jan 03 2017 | 2.16 GB

Series Introduction & Recommendations for the Best Bluegrass Guitar Gear

Note: I've made Webisodes 1 & 2 absolutely free to enjoy so you can easily determine if the course is right for your level of playing, whether Beginner, Intermediate, or Advanced.

In Webisodes 1 & 2 (Intro & Gear) of my Bluegrass Guitar Essentials series, you’ll learn about the influences that helped shape the way I play guitar, more specifically Bluegrass guitar. Famous Legendary guitarists such as Tony Rice, Bryan Sutton, and David Grier—to name a few—are some of the Masters of the genre that I’ve designed this entire series around so that you can really “Learn the Essentials of Playing Bluegrass Guitar like the Legends!”

You’ll also learn which gear I personally use in my every day playing and gigging as well as what gear I recommend for Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced players.

An Introduction to the course, a section on How to Use the Ebooks for the course, as well as a special BONUS section containing links to all the gear I discuss—as well as gear I’ve learned about since originally recording the series—are included in the companion ebooks available in the resources area. Using this free guide, you'll be able to easily determine which webisodes are right for your particular needs in the series and proceed your education from there.

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Category: Tutorial | Views: 785 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Webisodes, Guitar, tutorial, Essentials:, and, Bluegrass | Rating: 0.0/0
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