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BLEASS Granulizer v1.2.2

WIN | 4.7 MB

BLEASS Granulizer is a granular texture effect plugin with randomization, 4 multi-bus audio inputs and a mesmerizing 3D visualizer.
BLEASS Granulizer generates short samples (‘grains’) from different input signals by modulating different parameters which you can visualize thanks to a 3D Visualizer.

The Input Stage allows you to choose between a low-shelf or high-pass filter (to filter out the bass frequencies from input) as well as a gain adjustement.

BLEASS Granulizer takes up to 4 sources from different busses as inputs (compatible DAW required).
When multiple busses are on, each grain is randomly extracted from one of the available sources.

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Category: WiN | Views: 158 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Granulizer, BLEASS, v1.2.2 | Rating: 0.0/0
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