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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » BeatSkillz MAX1 v1.2 [WiN-OSX] Regged
BeatSkillz MAX1 v1.2 [WiN-OSX] Regged

Team R2R | June 03 2017 | WiN 37.7 MB | OSX 6 MB
Links update: 05/07/2019

MAX1 is a free plugin by beatskillz.

Don’t know how to compress or are a pro at compression?

Then this plugin is for you. This is an automatic compressor with “intelligent” and variable release time and ratio settings.

Control your peaks very easily or increase the energy and levels of your track or mix effortlessly.

Few controls but “Huge” sound!

The Plugin has accurate metering for both L/R input and output channels as well as Gain Gain Reduction Metering.

Great Presets to get you started on all types of material and also save your own presets.

When compressing a lot , just use the “Attack” knob to dial back the punch easily. Use the soft limit to make your tracks loud effortlessly and transparently.

Never Lose “Bass” when maximizing your mix or sounds, retain the character of your sounds with this transparent dynamics processor.

Easy Effortless Compression and Energy Maximization.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 1288 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: WiN-OSX, v1.2, BeatSkillz, MAX1, Regged | Rating: 0.0/0
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