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Home » WiN » Barratt Audio equavescent v3.1 CE
Barratt Audio equavescent v3.1 CE

V.R | 3.3.2017 | 135 MB

Equavescent is a ten band parallel equalizer designed for maximum clarity of sound.

Features are:

- resizable interface with no gimmicks, everything on the interface has a purpose.
- phase shifting of individual bands.
- mid-side controls for stereo.
- peak and analog algorithmed relative loudness VU.
- negative phase boosts shown in frequency response.
- fft mode to adjust the size of the fft used.
- supports up to 8 channels.
- sample rate up to 192kHz.
- native 32-bit and 64-bit Intel PC VST.
- native 32-bit and 64-bit VST2, VST3 and Audio Unit on OS X.
- MIDI control.
- auto matching of volume for different Qs when in equal volume mode.
- adjustable left and right frequency in graph view.
- scalable gain and frequency in graph view.
- control click soloing of bands.
- frequency follows keyboard in the graph view.
- legacy impulses to choose from.

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Category: WiN | Views: 1039 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: equavescent, Audio, Barratt, v3.1, Ce | Rating: 0.0/0
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