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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Baklava Sounds Orient Express KONTAKT
Baklava Sounds Orient Express KONTAKT

Links update: 29/05/2024

Orient Express is a unique Kontakt Library that takes you on a sonic trip from Europe to the Balkans, from the Near East to the Far East, and all points in between.

The library includes over 200 sounds ranging from Reeded Instruments to Bowed Instruments to Wind Instruments and more. Not to mention the ability to play them in unique microtone scales.

These sounds will definitely give your productions some unique flavors!

The FULL version of Kontakt 6

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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 584 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: sounds, Baklava, Orient, Express, Kontakt | Rating: 0.0/0
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