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Home » Mac OSX » Aurora DSP Gorilla v1.0.0 U2B Mac
Aurora DSP Gorilla v1.0.0 U2B Mac


Gorilla Different monsters for different genres: the Gorilla plugin includes 3 preamps and the simulation of 3 studio standard bass amps.

The green one is the most versatile and can deliver a clean, warm sound, while the drive button delivers a distorted and fat tube sound. Inspired by the famous Aguilar hardware.
Yellow offers a wide range of sounds based on the legendary Super Bassman all-tube amp and is the best choice for modern rock sounds.
The orange module is what you're looking for in the classic Ampeg sound of the Heritage series. Powerful bass with punchy mids will solidify your mix.

The Gorilla features a 3-way splitter that gives you full control over your final sound. Each section is equipped with a compressor and a saturator. These can be mixed to your taste.
Want to rock out with your band without a guitarist? No problem! The built-in octaver in the input section turns your bass into a wall of sound machine.

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 155 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Mac, Gorilla, Aurora, v1.0.0, U2B, DSP | Rating: 0.0/0
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