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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Aura Plugins Roland JP80x0 v2.6.6 WiN MAC Incl Keygen
Aura Plugins Roland JP80x0 v2.6.6 WiN MAC Incl Keygen

AU/VSTi | 98 MB

Roland JP-80×0 Editor & Librarian is designed to control your Roland JP-8000 / Roland JP-8080 right from your DAW. With our Editor, you can work with your Roland JP-8000 / JP-8080 by the same way you use your VSTi and AudioUnit plug-ins.

Our Editor will recall your patch settings when you open your project and the data will be sent to your JP-8000 / JP-8080 automatically once you open your project. Your synthesizer is always synchronized with your session! The only thing you need to worry, is that you power-up your synthesizer.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 137 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Roland, Aura, JP80x0, Mac, v2.6.6, Keygen, win, Incl, plugins | Rating: 0.0/0
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