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Home » WiN » Audiority PlexiTape v1.1.1 Incl Patched and Keygen
Audiority PlexiTape v1.1.1 Incl Patched and Keygen

Team R2R | 49 MB

PlexiTape is a faithful analog modeled simulation of the *Maestro® Echoplex® EP-3™ vintage tape echo that made THE SOUND of the ’70s for its tone and reliability.

Audiority has announced version 1.1 of its PlexiTape plugin, a faithful analog modeled simulation of tje iconic Maestro Echoplex EP-3 tape echo that made the sound of the ’70s.

The update features delay ducking, machine age, tape erase and more.

We put special care on modelling this unit on every aspect: motor, tape, FET preamplifier, heads and even the infamous “Sound On Sound”. SOS allows you to use bypass the echo and therefore use the tape as a looping recorder. Furthermore, we expanded it with new features including a full stereo double delay line, tempo sync and more.

v1.1.1 (October 2019)
– FIX: VST3 version silencing after few seconds of no input signal
– FIX: Mac OSX Catalina support

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Category: WiN | Views: 603 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: PlexiTape, and, Patched, Audiority, v1.1.1, Incl, Keygen | Rating: 0.0/0
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