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Home » Mac OSX » Audiofile Engineering Spectre v1.6.0 MAC OSX-UNION
Audiofile Engineering Spectre v1.6.0 MAC OSX-UNION
Team UNION | 8.27 MB
Links update: 17/12/2019
Spectre is an affordable multi-instrument real-time audio analyzer for Mac OS X. Designed in Cocoa from the ground up, Spectre proudly takes advantage of Quartz, OpenGL, CoreAudio, and other solid OS X interface features.
Real-time Studio Multi-analyzer
Spectre is a multi-instrument real-time audio analyzer for Mac OS X. Designed in Cocoa from the ground up, Spectre proudly takes advantage of Quartz, OpenGL, CoreAudio, and other solid OS X interface features.
Flexibility & Precision
Spectre focuses squarely on live audio analysis by offering 17 different multi-channel and multi-trace meters. Each meter can have any number of traces or indicators, and each trace can have it's own number of input channels, gain, mixing, filtering, ballistics and color (including transparency). You can have as many meters (or copies of meters) as your screen will allow! Spectre also gives you very precise control over color gradients.
Analyze From Anywhere
Spectre not only analyzes inputs from your audio hardware, but is also the first pro audio tool designed to receive input from network sources by using Apple's AUNetSend & AUNetReceive Audio Unit pair. With this feature, you can analyze audio from any Audio Unit insert on your multitrack or other Audio Unit host (such as Rax) to Spectre running on the same computer or another on your ethernet or wireless network.
Truth & Beauty
Spectre is extremely flexible and accurate in its display utilizing optimized OpenGL, Quartz Extreme and optimzed memory management. Each meter can be resized in realtime without interruption. Every meter has a set of useful factory presets, users may create their ballistics and gradients, and meter settings (or sets of meters) can be saved as files (send them to your friends!).

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Category: Mac OSX | Views: 1835 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Audiofile, Spectre, Audiofile Engineering | Rating: 0.0/0
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