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Home » WiN » Audio Modelling SWAM engine SWAM Cello v2.0.1 CE
Audio Modelling SWAM engine SWAM Cello v2.0.1 CE

TEAM V.R | 09 Aug 2018 | 5.07 M

One of the most expressive and realistic Cello on the market.

Based on our proprietary SWAM-S engine, a powerful Physical Modeling technology derived from the Digital Waveguides approach.

SWAM-S stands for Synchronous Waves Acoustic Modeling – Strings.

Differently from SWAM, sound is generated by pure Physical Modeling, so there are no samples at all.

We have performed an in-depth study of the Physical Modeling techniques, especially the Digital Waveguides Synthesis by prof. Julius O. Smith. Using this technique, adding new elements and performing an unceasing fine-tuning, we have built the best modeled Bowed Strings virtual instruments on the market, allowing the real-time control of bow speed, bow pressure, bow position, vibrato, portamento, harmonics, tremolo, pizzicato, and many other parameters in a realistic way, almost indistinguishable from the real instrument.


- Expanded string tuning range: lower string from F to G
- Increased the onset detuning ("Random Finger")
- fix: wrong Instruments sort on macOS
- fix: wrong pitch bend for double stops (Double, Double/Hold, Auto)
- Fix: backward compatibility with older .swam presets
- Fix: wrong settings opening, closing and reopening quickly the GUI (Windows only)

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Category: WiN | Views: 974 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Ce, v2.0.1, Engine, Audio, Modelling, SWAM, cello | Rating: 0.0/0
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