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Home » WiN » Auburn Sounds Inner Pitch v1.1.0 VST
Auburn Sounds Inner Pitch v1.1.0 VST

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Inner Pitch is a fun pitch-shifting plug-in with a very high-quality natural sound. Inner Pitch's goal is to stay true to the source material. Preserving the intent of the input performance is the priority, with destruction as an option only.

Inner Pitch can
Shift pitch,
Shift formants,
Reinforce bass with dry/wet,
Double a track,
Stereoize with L/R pitch difference,
Synthesize hellish soundscapes,
Create endlessly ascending sounds or conversely, endless falls.

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Category: WiN | Views: 39 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: Auburn, V1.1.0, sounds, VST, Inner, Pitch | Rating: 0.0/0
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