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Home » WiN, Mac OSX » Auburn Sounds - Graillon v1.2.0 - Win / Mac
Auburn Sounds - Graillon v1.2.0 - Win / Mac

VsT / AU .x64 .x86| 3.31 MB
Links update: 30/12/2023

Graillon is a new kind of voice octaver that tracks pitch frequency and mixes frequency-shifted copies of the input voice with itself.

* Graillon is useful for

- Producing distorted vocals from clean vocals without
crosstalk between harmonics,Reinforcing vocals low-end.

- Getting a more masculine or robotic-sounding voice,
Displaying strong fifth and fourth harmonic relation-
ships in vocals.

- Having fun with a microphone and a DAW.

Only the voiced part of the signal is changed.
The unvoiced part of the signal is left untouched,
to preserve the original speech's intent.

Graillon is a culminating point, but not the end, of a
long search for new kinds of vocal effects. It was
designed from the ground-up to be instant. Once warmed
up to the sound of your voice, processing is latency-free.

* Graillon is available as a VST 2.4 plug-in for Windows and Mac.

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Category: WiN, Mac OSX | Views: 2117 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Auburn, win, sounds, Graillon, Mac, v1.2.0 | Rating: 0.0/0
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