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Home » Sound Libraries » Aubit Dyplo Vocal Chops Wav
Aubit Dyplo Vocal Chops Wav

WAV | 56 MB

Dyplo Vocal Chops

25 Diplo style vocal chop loops.
These addictive loops are perfect for Pop, Future Bass and Trap productions, but they sound fire in any style.

Diplo’s signature processing sound on vocals has thrown him into being one of the biggest names on modern music, so we’ve created these loops to unlock that sound for the everyday producer and ignite your creative fires in a new way.

The loops come in wet and dry form so the download includes 50 WAV files. Grab these vocal chops today and redefine what you can do with a vocal chop in your productions.

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 273 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: vocal, wav, Aubit, Chops, Dyplo | Rating: 0.0/0
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