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Home » Sound Libraries » Atomic Sounds Ultimate Future Riddim Sample Pack WAV SERUM PRESETS
Atomic Sounds Ultimate Future Riddim Sample Pack WAV SERUM PRESETS

Links update: 01/03/2024

Ultimate Future Riddim Sample Pack gives you the necessary tools so that you can freely build and express your feelings in your next song. With high quality samples, drums, loops and presets, they will give you the creative freedom you need for this beautiful musical genre.

All samples are .wav 24bits.
Note: You must have the latest version of Xfer Serum for the presets.

x42 Melody Loops
x34 Effects
x90 Drums
x15 Drum loops
x110 One Shots
x27 Xfer Serum Prests

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Category: Sound Libraries | Views: 840 | Added by: DOLBATOR | Tags: pack, Sample, Future, Ultimate, Atomic, Riddim, wav, Serum, presets, sounds | Rating: 0.0/0
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