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Home » Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill » Atom Hub The Bell From Shelf KONTAKT
Atom Hub The Bell From Shelf KONTAKT

SYNTHiC4TE | June 21 2014 | 13.84 MB
Links update: 17/08/2018

16 bit / 44,1 kHz
- 35 MB (65 single wav files)
- 24 nki files
- Copper bell from a shelf with
a wire on top... tolling, ringing, singing
- 5 x round robin

I found this thing on a shelf obviously :-). We used it occasionally as Santa Claus´s bell for my little Sam, but how it got at my place... I don´t know. My girfriend
said, this had something to do with my grandmother... probably she has brought it here. When I ask her, I will update this info :-). It is maybe 0,5 Kg weighting
copper (brass) bell with few holes in it and also some short wire on top - to hold it that way, or to hang it somewhere. As I said, I had this thing on a shelf for a long
time, but just recently I realized, that it has sound that could be used somehow. I sampled it, knocking on it, ringing and tolling with it holding it hanging on its short
oxidized wire.

What´s in ? (Patches names) At The End Of The Street, Bell, Bell No Robin, Bellboard, Bellboard Fat TUNED, Bellboard TUNED, Cans Got Drunk, Cans In The Wind,
Cans In The Wind 2, Cave Glasses, Clockwork Shop, Clockwork Shop Lower TUNED, Clockwork Shop TUNED, In Front Of You, In Front Of You TUNED, Instant
Childhood, Mouth Cavity Tools, Mouth Cavity Tools 2, Old Pipes Hanging, Playing Icycle, Playing Icycle TUNED, Shaking, The Time Vehicle, Touching Her Hair


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Category: Kontakt, Elastik, ReFill | Views: 1201 | Added by: shlyapa | Tags: Kontakt, the, hub, Bell, Shelf, From, Atom | Rating: 0.0/0
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